Pod influence Ep 36 (Upcoming)

EPISODE 36.: “The World as it is” Needs Youth !
To  Rise”


 -Speaking to this generation , you have got a lot potential inside you,I don’t how to say this but the talent and Gifts that lie within . Aren’t meant to be dormant  they MUST  BE  active. So just thought to start with and i hope you doing well and wish you the best  in  life. Sometimes we need to hear that and.  “A burning desire to find our more ISN’T JUST A THOUGHT. IT’S SOMETHING MEANT TO HAPPEN !

Transition interlude

-Begin this Day knowing. God is on your side and he walks with you. But Understand, you need to work hard in your studies, and as for the season of Exams Coming ; i BELIEVE in you. I believe that you can achieve high grades ;TRUST YOURSELF , BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY TRUST GOD.  RISE ABOVE THE ODDS AND  I KNOW DOUBT IS THERE IS; WORRY IS THERE BUT  DON’T LEAN ON FEAR AND  THINK YOU CAN ADAPT TO IT, NO DON’T you must’nt  – THAT WILL ONLY MAKE YOU STAY THE SAME.

First Segment- -* Fruits are only Ripe in season”

The Greatness is found in due course, take it as it is There is no way around it. Keeping it basic and on the right path. Now let’s talk about,  the meaning behind the title of the first segment !.
If you think about this, you know it’s true- fruits are only Ripe in season. I mean thats where you its much more richer ,  I wouldn’t eat a fruit that isn’t ready yet, knowingly most people enjoy fruits like that but this is being used as an analogy and it needs to strike different because its talking about our lives in general . No pressure but get this there is a time and season for everything. Everything also happens for a reason.
 So hear this about committing to craft

” The greatest thing that guarantees your
future balanced is “Commitment  .The typical
skill set of something that you are surely   passionate about. I admit committing to craft
is the act of  strong desire  and courage.
Learning new strategies   counts that, every
time you get into your craft ,you are driven by
the desire to be better as you develop”
Transition :Motivation.

 As a matter of fact, the future is held by you guys. The Youth , who else then , u ask ?
The main reason being; (this century)  especially much more in this  “CENTURY” we in ! I found that , a shift in everything has happened so swiftly and profound.  Now basically what i am saying is,who else will take the mantle when the youth are the meant to take it. Why now ? Has been the question in my mind but the answer is here and you yourself know it
“This next segment will explain to you, the latter’s idea on a huge perspective “

“End Result Worth the try”
 I kinda think that is very true, I’ll mean I can’t be the only one, who knows getting to the final result is satisfying in a sense. If it were possible without working hard. “Life would be  easy as one would call it. Of cause I got say this,”The Wind has blown ; the old leaves have left”; the New Tree will blossom with fresh leaves”.


“Now simple as it has been, you probably didn’t expect this but Pod INFLUENCE has officially reached the final episode of Season 1.

I had it to end with this topic because i believe in you ; the youth have real potential and i know for a fact, its difficult to start something nevertheless getting to the End Peak. So wow I can’t believe its over. But just know I will be back. It’s not the end. It’s just the beginning. And once more I will leave you the same way I leave every week catch you on the next Episode.

WORD At the beginning “

 It is , it was and it will always be.
Every person needs to hear this. Our King ,Jesus The Son of God. Gave us everything we need, a relationship with the Father. The Creator of the Universe and life as we know it ! The Life we live might be filled with chaos, confusion, and difficulty and struggles. We can survive through all, through the faith we have in him.  In Christ we find the foundation we need  to stand on and carry for the rest of our lives. May the Holy spirit-Connect us with him, because he is more than enough for all of us.  I only wish to encourage you; that a way for you to have a relationship may come and that you may understand. In John 1:1 In the beginning was the  word  and the word was with God and the word was God.  Let’s stop avoiding The Truth, jesus is the way, by now it should be clear and i know we all have questions why things are the way they are;  but the Word; which is Jesus Christ  has given us more than enough and as a matter of fact, we don’t deserve all that we have because of our sins !! But Our King Cares ; And loves us and has forgiven us.
 In the midst of darkness, there is light and that is Jesus. Look up to him and humble yourself.

How to be happy where you are!

happiness is regarded as a state of well being and contentment, the general definition. but first let’s look the concept of you being happy; when this happens you are satisfied and you see life as it should be. The realness of this let’s us realize we categorize happiness with things instead of being. as you you should not compare yourself with others because what happens is;you will trying to be somebody else.

Be Yourself !

now don’t get this wrong, we all know that Today’s society has distorted the true meaning of being yourself. Today’s culture has adopted the idea of “being yourself” as an excuse for doing whatever one craves. The original concept of being yourself stood for individuals adapting personalities that stood out from those around them. People would tell those with identity issues to find confidence in their true self. Somewhere, throughout the past decade, the saying “be yourself” became a free pass to immorality. This dilemma has introduced our society to new divisions.

literally its being direct in your face and normally as a thinking individual, you would know the right meaning of being yourself. Don’t go for the wrong things, it won’t make true sense. enjoy the good times, spend time improving yourself and being exceptional.


Everyone has a God-given character and no one should compromise being themselves just to fit in.

Why Adventures Are Awesome


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, traveling is an adventure. Whether it’s your first trip abroad or you’re planning your next getaway (or both), you’ve got to make time for travel. To help give you a boost of inspiration, here are five reasons why adventures are awesome:

For the thrills

Adventure travel is a great way to get out of your comfort zone. You’re not just traveling around and staying at fancy hotels all the time, but you’re actually going on an adventure—you can hike mountains, explore caves and go through forests. You also meet new people who have similar interests as you do, which means that you will have no problem connecting with them.

Adventure travel is also amazing because it allows you to get in touch with nature! If you love nature like I do, then this will be one of the best parts about adventure travel for sure!

For the local culture

You’ll get to learn about the local culture, cuisine, history and people. You’ll also get to see how they live their day-to-day lives through their customs and economy.

A great example is visiting a museum. Museums are usually free or have a small entry fee so it’s a good way to learn about the local history without spending too much money!

To expand your horizons

A great way to expand your horizons is to travel. When someone travels, they experience a lot of new things that they would never be able to experience if they stayed at home. Traveling helps people learn about other cultures and how other people live their lives. When you travel, you get exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking that may be completely different from what you are used to in your own culture. For example, in America we have certain things that we consider normal: for example having a job or working for money; however there are many cultures around the world where this is not true at all! In some countries such as India and Pakistan there are still places where everyone works together as one community instead of having individual jobs or businesses like we do here in America (for more information on this subject I recommend reading “Gandhi”).

Traveling also makes us more tolerant towards people who practice different religions than ourselves because when we go abroad we meet many foreigners who come from different backgrounds than ourselves – which means that sometimes those foreigners might have very different beliefs than ours does – so it becomes quite difficult if not impossible for us not tolerate those differences between our faiths/​religions/​beliefs etc…

To learn something new

  • To learn something new
  • To be open-minded.
  • To experience different cultures and traditions.
  • To try new things!

For a challenge

If you’ve ever gone on a trip or adventure, you know that it can be a challenge. You’ll be forced to navigate unfamiliar surroundings and adapt to new people and situations. You will learn things about yourself and others that you didn’t know before; maybe even about the world around you. Perhaps most importantly, though: an adventure requires that we be ready for the unexpected!

A journey of any kind requires flexibility and adaptability in order to succeed. We have to keep our minds open to new experiences as they come our way—and we must always be prepared for whatever challenges may arise along the way (or else face dire consequences).

When embarking on an adventure like this one, it’s important not only to come prepared but also stay flexible throughout your journey so as not become discouraged by unexpected obstacles along the way…

Travel is always a good idea

  • Travel is good for the mind and soul.
  • Travel is a good way to learn about the world.
  • Travel is a good way to learn about yourself.
  • Travel is a good way to meet new people, who live in different places, eat different foods and practice different customs from yours.
  • And travel can also help you experience new things—like trying an unfamiliar food or going for an impromptu trip somewhere else in your own home town!


I’m sure you can think of many more reasons why trips are great. They can be exciting, educational, and help build character in kids. The important thing is that if you have a child visiting for the first time, there are some things you should keep in mind before planning them out so they’re ready to enjoy all the fun that comes with adventures!

Pod influence Episode -19 : (Prime Edition) Shoot for the Moon Pt 2 results and reasons. 1 july 2022

{RESULTS OR REASONS}! les brown- intro
Intro -hey everybody welcome to pod influence to our 19th episode the second part of it, so this week I will go through the words results and reasons in everyone’s goal to growth.
When you keep your commitments you are able to produce some different kinds of results in your life. And whenever this topic comes to mind – I remember the why and I have got to tell you when you know your why – you will be able to reach your goal.
Listen to this motivation by les brown on reasons and results.

[First segment- DSRS CHAPTER C13,3

“Set yourself for the tough battles”
So having spoke about challenges and discipline I admit it -it will never be easy. So when you set yourself for the trials be strong, be relentless be the best at what you do. The battles were never meant to be easy- so look at this and make a shift in how you act in how you behave. In all honest you have to see this as it is . I will leave you with a thought to think, naturally the right things will come at the right time. If it means you will realize something important later in your life, then you would know that, “What ever happens -happens for a reason.
Short interlude
Clip 2 from -clip 2,0
Here we go clip [OOWE PART ONLY}

~Review and logic understanding
So as you heard before we tend to have a lot of reasons for not doing something and in it all you will end up going nowhere. Lets take a short break be right back..

Break plus ad interlude

Final segment – commitments show up in your life in what you do !

That’s the basic idea and when we are not commited to our goals and dreams, nothing is going to show up. If some things make no sense , hear this, you can only fulfil a task by



  • mac- line most things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get em.

One thing I heard about commitment is that it means standing up for your life, it means honoring yourself and beginning to say this is something that I have got to do and again I must repeat -it means taking a stand , taking a stand for you it means delivering, it means coming through ,so deliver come through make it happen, go for your dream. And after that , Thank you
Hey so far so good , indeed this is what we have to do, through it all and I will leave you without a thought, Are commited enough in your studies , in your life in everything? With that said, I will leave you the same way I leave every week, catch you later!

Communities should be more! (Blog Edition) (23 June 2022.)

Think about it, when there is goal in mind that seeks to empower and equip lives; it speaks to the needs of the many. You see basically everything going on, is broken down into the ideal concept of saying ; great things are done but are they really ? I mean I would to like to challenge the system on
Really what are they doing for people ; i don’t want to say it but somehow people’s voices are shut out  through bribery and basically they end  up not fighting the battle. Which becomes forgotten but my vision is that all of this will change. A community of people who care more about creating a society that meets people’s needs efficiently and let voices rise and have yourself speaking what’s right! I want to make the world a better place but i can’t do it alone. I need you to make a conscience decision to to think bigger for not only yourself but for your  community.

A Community (People)

How do we find community as  a resource to grow people. i Certainly believe we all help each other on a daily basis , to be a community. To live side by side. No matter how many differences we might have, pushing them aside and thinking  of our tomorrow instead. The future, We go  forwad as much more of a community than we think. We need this! we deserve this and through thick and thin we  must forgive ourselves and other people too if there is going to be a community that is filled with joy and living for the better and you never know, that  is what we have to see happening in all places and countries.  And i will go forwad knowing a community isn’t a broken society but  is one that has moved past the brokenness and found within that there is a purpose, there is a light and it lives within us and it is for us. The Truth has to spoken from the heart and just from hearing that, you are empowered to share and also embrace this. Let’s become much of a community that represents the goodness and be fond  with it. Let’s be guided completey by God and remember we become complete in him.

Progress happens later”(Motivation.)

“Have ever thought about why it takes so long just to get something done! I know I have, its unbelievable that you need to learn something just to move to the next step. Every moment of opportunity needs you to accept that progress happens later: Jim Rohn once said – if you change everything will change, you don’t have to change outside but change on the inside. And of course you can’t change over night but just at some moment. Something will happen! ANOTHER ADVICE HE SAID – learn to work harder on yourself. That principle is amazing. He explains it much better. So I will leave a link to the You tube video.
But here is what I really wanted to share- you may not be able to do every single thing but DEVELOP yourself everyday , in that way you will progress . I need you to keep this phrase in your mind- Progress happens later. And don’t get it twisted when you start studying – do you just get everything right – of course not and what happens is you need to go through an entire topic or even half of it- just that learning experience you take will get you thinking – progress happens later. That is why you need to do something as many times till you are good at it and your aim should be progress every single time. You don’t get perfect but you get better.

Here is what not to do- don’t worry. Every person get its wrong in the journey, take notes, observe – watch how it’s done everything is done uniquely. I am telling you but don’t miss the idea, and you must now take action on what you find out and you will see – Start a massive action And a massive output will show

Every Day is an opportunity (DSRS 17,2)

What has passed somehow feels like a lost opportunity and maybe the honest truth is that it had to happen. The time you get is often chosen with reason but you need to see the bright picture as the bigger picture. It’s not always about you but,with them. The people that are meant to be given the opportunities, the reason being that they deserve them but is that it? Can you really say opportunities come to those who deserve them , no i don’t think so. Guess what? You can be in a situation right now but this can’t stop you from making a sure thing. That is, using each complication oppositely and making it an opportunity to not only conquer yourself. I doubt that every one of you is able to say confidently that, “you are content with where you are , i mean you don’t want to be in one place for the rest of your life. I know you want to live and simply experience what life’s got to offer. A piece of advice, don’t waste your time enjoy it i know its easy to say… but sometimes you look back and can’t take it back. More opportunities are available and what is meant to be yours, will be yours. One of the main things this world will forever remember is the,”I could have…done this or that” so right you can’t see the future and can’t change the past too, so remember every step of the way. For nothing matters without determination.

Motivation its time to grasp the opportunity.

Once again you must not with hold yourself from getting what you want. The process only gets better.  The more challenges come the more resilient you will be.  Here is QUESTION  What did you do differently this week and compare it to the previous week, always ask yourself this question. – how can I improve? Listen the  main thing you got to always keep in mind is  overcoming your old self. I know you are passionate to be who you want to be , but have you ever thought  about what exactly  needs to change and if so, are you ready to change. how do deal with situations? Do you  quit  when you only just began , there are consequences for every action. And don’t get me wrong I don’t say that to scare you but to see how well you respond to. Challenges have been around longer than you were born and really  you need to see yourself on top of the game. Work hard every- single day. Consistently  and keep your mind focused.  When you do that  you would’nt look back and say. I wish I didn’t go through that but you would say. I am grateful to have to continued in that path  no matter what.  And  so when you  look at things , don’t worry about the problem , think it through and understand that opportunities reveal themselves in times of challenges…..